Aligning Apprenticeship and the Workforce System

Registered apprenticeship (RA) is the gold standard for workforce development and well-aligned with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). RA provides employers in your state and local community with a proven strategy for developing a strong, sustained talent pipeline for skilled workers while providing job seekers with a pathway to high-demand careers that pay a family-supporting wage.

Access TA from the Center to increase RA alignment with your state and local workforce development board planning to meet critical WIOA performance metrics by:.

  • providing paid apprenticeship opportunities for One-Stop Center customers which helps you meet Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) performance measures including 2nd and 4th quarter employed (92% of all apprentices who complete a program are then moved into a permanent, full-time workers and 91% are still with their employer a year out)
  • providing your board with the knowledge that RA skills training meets your local business needs, since it is employer-driven, while giving you the credential performance measure
  • ensuring that higher median earnings after 2nd quarter performance metric is met, especially since apprentices receive a raise during their apprenticeship moving beyond transactional relationships with businesses and giving you a head start on the effectiveness in serving employers performance measure

Engage with the Center by:


20 Apr 2022

Successfully engaging businesses in registered apprenticeship means building the business case for why the business should use it as a mainstream talent development tool.  This webinar was aimed at the workforce development board and One-Stop Operator staff. We discussed tips on communicating the business case to employers and heard what techniques participants use.

Link to Webinar

23 Mar 2022

Why do workforce boards engage in Registered Apprenticeship?

Link to Webinar

07 Jun 2022

Acting Assistant Secretary of the Employment and Training Administration, USDOL, Angela Hanks, Addresses the Attendees at the NAWDP 38th Annual Conference.

Link to Webinar

13 Apr 2022

Iowa’s Registered Apprenticeship Programs Report analyzes Iowa’s RA levels and provides demographic breakouts of active apprentices and RA completers. The analysis includes geographic concentrations of active apprentices, growth in new apprentices, and top occupations using RA to train employees. The employment outcomes of RA completers is broken out by the same demographics, top completing programs, and employing industries. A glimpse into employee retention is also provided.

Link to Website


13 Apr 2022

An example of how states can use Tableau, a data visualization tool, to illustrate the value and statewide adoption of RA through key datapoints such as occupations, industries, wages, etc.

Link to Website

13 Apr 2022

Webinar recording from the Annual Apprenticeship Texas Conference led by Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) State Apprenticeship Director Desi Holmes on TWC agency services and support available to Texas workforce partners exploring apprenticeship. TWC division speakers represented Adult Education and Literacy, Office of Apprenticeship, Vocational Rehabilitation, Outreach and Employer Initiatives, and Workforce Development Division.

Link to Webinar