Jun 06

Industry and Workforce: Making Apprenticeship Central to WIOA Business Services Session II

Industry and Workforce: Making Apprenticeship Central to Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Business Services Session II

This training session was designed for Business Service Representatives (BSRs), Veterans’ Representatives, and other workforce professionals that engage directly with employers.

This second Business Services Representatives’ (BSRs) training session featured how registered apprenticeship (RA) bolsters the success of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) business services, the RA System and the role of Apprenticeship Training Representatives (ATRs), and how to coordinate and collaborate with ATRs and Navigators.

BSRs serve as industry’s critical point of contact with the public workforce system making them ideally positioned to present as a proven, critical component of an employers’ overall workforce development strategy and to promote the value of RA to employers.

RA is an ideal solution for many employers that are partners with workforce boards and American Job Centers. This online training explored innovative ways that apprenticeship ties in with WIOA business services. It also equipped participants to connect with and leverage the support of the apprenticeship system on behalf of employers.

By connecting intentionally and regularly with ATRs, WIOA business services can better engage employers, place candidates in well-paying RA employment, and increase positive WIOA performance metrics.

Link to Webinar

Making Apprenticeship Central to Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Business Services
May 23

Understanding the Public Workforce System and Business Services Representative’s Role

Understanding the Public Workforce System and Business Services Representative’s Role

Foundational knowledge of how the workforce system operates is essential to Apprenticeship Training Representative (ATR) work. In this first session for ATRs, attendees learned how Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs) make decisions on policies and funding for employers, job seekers and how it relates to registered apprenticeships.

This session also demonstrated the Business Services Representative (BSR) role and the steps program sponsors and employers need to take to access Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and non-WIOA funding and support. ATRs were provided with detailed information and tools to help them move from understanding policy alignment to practical implementation with workforce system partners, especially BSRs. 

Link to Webinar

Understanding the Public Workforce System and Business Services Representative’s Role
May 03

Youth Apprenticeship Week (YAW)

Youth Apprenticeship Week (YAW)

Participants learned about the first Youth Apprenticeship Week (YAW), which took place May 5-11, 2024, from Randy Copeland and Jeff Smith at the Office of Apprenticeship.

Building off the success of National Apprenticeship Week, Youth Apprenticeship Week is a nationwide celebration that highlights the benefits and value of Registered Apprenticeship program opportunities for youth, ages 16–24.

Employers, educators, labor unions, workforce professionals, and their partners across the country are launching Registered Apprenticeship programs that allow youth to earn competitive wages while obtaining the relevant training and experience to start their careers, often including the opportunity to earn college credit.

YAW is an opportunity for these stakeholders and others to increase awareness of these life-changing Registered Apprenticeship opportunities for youth and how they create a sustainable pipeline of skilled and diverse talent for critical industries. Participants heard from Youth Apprentices Trailblazers on their Apprenticeship experience and learned how you can support YAW as well.

Learn about the first Youth Apprenticeship Week (YAW), which takes place May 5-11, 2024, from Randy Copeland and Jeff Smith at the Office of Apprenticeship.
Apr 23

Understanding Registered Apprenticeship as a Business Services Opportunity

Understanding Registered Apprenticeship as a Business Services Opportunity

This training session was designed for Business Service Representatives (BSRs), Veterans’ Representatives, and other workforce professionals that engage directly with employers.

BSRs serve as industry’s critical point of contact with the public workforce system making them ideally positioned to present registered apprenticeship (RA) as a proven, critical component of an employers’ overall workforce development strategy and to promote the value of RA to employers.

Registered Apprenticeship is an ideal solution for many employers that are partners with workforce boards and American Job Centers. This online training opportunity explored innovative ways that apprenticeship ties in with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) business services. It also equipped participants to connect with and leverage the support of the apprenticeship system on behalf of employers.

By connecting intentionally and regularly with Apprenticeship Training Representatives (ATRs), WIOA business services can better engage employers, place candidates in well-paying RA employment, and increase positive WIOA performance metrics.

This first session in the ATR & BSR Training Series featured how RA is structured and works in concert with the workforce system, recent initiatives, funding opportunities, partners, and how to speak to employers about RA.

Link to Webinar

Understanding Registered Apprenticeship as a Business Services Opportunity