Create Skilled Workers. Build Loyal Talent. Engage in Apprenticeship.

Registered apprenticeship (RA) is a proven, industry-driven strategy for building a skilled workforce. Employers in every industry are utilizing RA to recruit, train, and retain new hires and upskill incumbent workers because the model:

  • generates positive ROI - employers report* earning an average of $1.47 for every $1 invested in apprenticeship through cost savings and increased productivity,
  • reduces turnover and drives higher worker loyalty rates - 92% of all apprentices who complete a program are retained as permanent, full-time workers*, and 91% are still with their employer a year out,
  • creates more diverse, inclusive workplaces because with a structured training program employers are able to widen the pool of candidates from which they source talent,
  • create a platform for stronger relationships with local education and workforce partners to identify and recruit talent earlier, and
  • provides access to unique federal and state funding and support, including tax credits, potential wage support/reimbursements, tuition support, no-cost federal bonding, supportive services for qualified apprentices and more

*source: USDOL Office of Apprenticeship

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18 Jul 2024

The U.S. Department of Labor tasked the Center of Excellence with assessing the involvement of chambers of commerce in Registered Apprenticeship systems to understand their level of engagement, identify knowledge gaps, and determine resources needed for greater involvement. The Center of Excellence lead, Safal Partners, collaborated with the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE) to survey members, interview member chambers, and host a focus group. This provided insights into chambers' involvement in Registered Apprenticeships, their knowledge gaps, and the resources required for greater engagement.

This toolkit offers an overview of Registered Apprenticeship; a summary of discussions and surveys with chambers, including the importance of Registered Apprenticeship to chambers; and guidance on how chambers can become more involved in Registered Apprenticeships.

Link to PDF

16 Jul 2024

The "Principles for Equity in Apprenticeship" emphasizes designing apprenticeship programs that integrate equity throughout their structure, from recruitment to support systems, to ensure they cater to diverse workers' needs. Programs, including WERC in Los Angeles, leverage socio-economic and cultural backgrounds as assets, using these unique experiences to enhance apprentices' ability to connect in their roles​​. Mentorship and continuous feedback are crucial, helping programs to refine and improve while ensuring apprentices transition smoothly into quality jobs that support families​ ​. Overall, the principles advocate for leveraging race, ethnicity, and gender as strengths and ensuring that apprenticeships lead to substantial career opportunities, not just jobs​.

Web link


12 Jul 2024

This brief outlines principles to guide federal, state, and local decision-makers and partners in developing equitable pre-apprenticeship programs and policy. These principles can mitigate the risk of investing in low-quality programs that lead to nowhere. Use this document to frame, analyze, and receive recommendations for the development of high-quality pre-apprenticeship programs.

Link to PDF

12 Jul 2024

In this webinar, you will learn about strategies for increasing diversity in the apprenticeship pipeline. You will have the opportunity to hear from experts in the field as they share knowledge and resources about increasing diversity in apprenticeship as well as learn some insights shared by states who participated in the Diversity of Apprenticeship Participants Innovation Cohort. You will also hear insights from states who participated in the Diversity of Apprenticeship Participants Innovation Cohort.

Link to PPT

Link to PDF

12 Jul 2024

In this report, Young Invincibles provides recommendations on how Illinois can create apprenticeships that achieve gender and racial equity. The recommendations are based on a review of state and local strategies for scaling apprenticeships that serve women and people of color, examining work in Oregon, South Carolina, New York, and Massachusetts. You'll also read about strong practices in Illinois, learned from the apprenticeship and work-based learning programs of multiple partners nationwide. In this report, you will learn about the apprenticeship landscape in Illinois and the challenges the state faces in apprenticeship growth as well as the state's equity vision.

Link to Report

12 Jul 2024

This brief explores strategies that 22 leading companies and industry associations are using to make apprenticeship models more diverse and inclusive and, in turn, advance equity in their companies and the communities they serve. Some of these strategies have been identified as best practices by community-based organizations working with underrepresented populations and training providers but have not yet gained widespread employer buy-in. The examples shared here serve as lessons illustrating how more businesses can apply these strategies in their apprenticeship programs to improve diversity and equity within their internal operations and throughout their industries.

Link to Report

12 Jul 2024

This flowchart shows the relationship between recruitment and retention services for pre-apprenticeship to apprenticeship with your local workforce board. Once a participant transitions from pre-apprenticeship to apprenticeship, available resources for apprentices consist of On-the-Job Training, Supportive Services, and Related Technical Instruction.

Link to chart

Link to PDF

12 Jul 2024

The presentation "Essentials of a High-Quality Pre-Apprenticeship" outlines key elements for developing effective pre-apprenticeship programs that prepare participants for high-quality apprenticeship opportunities. It highlights six critical characteristics: transparent entry and success requirements, skill development through hands-on activities, alignment with local employer needs, earning industry-recognized credentials, offering academic and career support, and ensuring a smooth transition to registered apprenticeships. These programs aim to increase diversity and equity, bridge skill gaps, and provide essential support for participants to succeed in their career paths.

Link to PPT

02 Jul 2024

As part of the Center of Excellence’s work on System Alignment and Strategic Partnerships in Registered Apprenticeship, the Center chose five initial states in 2021 to do focused work with leaders across workforce, industry, education, and labor. California was one of the five states. Center lead, Safal Partners, engaged the California Workforce Association (CWA) as a lead partner on the Center grant.

Together, Safal Partners, CWA and leadership from the state apprenticeship agency (Division of Apprenticeship Standards – DAS) and the U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) Office of Apprenticeship (OA) formed a Leadership Team of representative organizations to guide the Center’s work in the state. The team is comprised of 26 members representing industry, workforce, education, government, and labor; it has representation from both the state and local level within each sector.

This Center of Excellence California Regional Sessions Report-Out documents the 2022 regional sessions utilizing methods such as asset mapping and guided questions focused on opportunities and actions. Overviews of meeting outputs are recorded from the Sacramento, Clovis, Long Beach regions.

Link to report

27 Jun 2024

Apprenticeship Training Representatives (ATRs) and Business Services Representatives (BSRs) are key in system alignment for Registered Apprenticeship (RA) and the workforce system. By collaborating, ATRs and BSRs can rapidly accelerate effective employer outreach and engagement in RA nationwide. While both ATRs and BSRs have their own unique set of responsibilities, the overlap in their respective roles related to employer engagement presents a natural opportunity to collaborate for accelerating industry’s understanding and adoption of RA to build talent pipelines which will, in turn, benefit job seekers who are served by Local Workforce Development Board case managers.

This “capstone” training session is the culmination of the first four sessions which were developed for each stakeholder group focused on educating each group on the other’s work. This session includes interactive learning from workforce experts and features effective ATR and BSR partnerships.

Link to Webinar

Link to PPT

27 Jun 2024

This is the second session for ATRs in this training series.

Broad and robust partnerships give value to expanding registered apprenticeships that ultimately help meet program outcomes and increase engagement with employers. Building on the knowledge gained from the first Apprentice Training Representative (ATR) session, this training includes how to engage with Business Services Representatives (BSRs) to develop strategies for effective, collaborative outreach to industry in developing new and expanded registered apprenticeship (RA) programs; promising practices for engaging with BSRs and other Local Workforce Development Board staff; and what successful collaboration between ATRs and the workforce system can look like.

Link to Webinar

Link to PPT

18 Jun 2024

In cooperation with the USDOL’s Office of Apprenticeship (OA) and its Division of Indian and Native American Programs (DINAP), the Center of Excellence hosted a webinar series featuring Safal Partners, a U.S. DOL funded Cyber and Tech Industry Intermediary and Registered Apprenticeship (RA) program sponsors in Washington State. Presenters gave details about their RA programs and application process to professionals representing Native American jobseekers, Tribal college career centers, one-stops, and other workforce offices to show how to connect their workforce program participants and students to federally RA opportunities in the State of Washington.

Each webinar session consists of three different apprenticeship programs sharing their program’s occupations, application dates, application process, expectations, wages, cost, benefits, work/school location(s), and other pertinent details and includes a short Q&A period. This recruiting opportunity is designed to benefit Native American jobseekers and to bridge partnerships between RA programs and tribal organizations.

Link to Session 1

Link to Session 1 PPT

Link to Session 2

Link to Session 2 PPT

Link to Session 3

Link to Session 3 PPT

05 Jun 2024

This second Business Services Representatives’ (BSRs) training session features how registered apprenticeship (RA) bolsters the success of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) business services, the RA System and the role of Apprenticeship Training Representatives (ATRs), and how to coordinate and collaborate with ATRs and Navigators.

RA is an ideal solution for many employers that are partners with workforce boards and American Job Centers. This online training explores innovative ways that apprenticeship ties in with WIOA business services. It also equips you to connect with and leverage the support of the apprenticeship system on behalf of employers.

By connecting intentionally and regularly with ATRs, WIOA business services can better engage employers, place candidates in well-paying RA employment, and increase positive WIOA performance metrics.

Link to Webinar

Link to PPT

Link to Handout


17 May 2024

The National Association of Workforce Boards held The Forum in Washington, DC. about workforce policy, initiatives, and trends.

Registered Apprenticeship (RA) subject matter experts, Alan Dodkowitz from Safal Partners, Brent Weil from the Wireless Infrastructure Association, Jeff Smith from the U.S. DOL Office of Apprenticeship, and James Disbro from Career Source Suncoast, presented to workforce stakeholders discussing core RA-related elements of the Investing in America Agenda and promising practices for partnership development to access and implement Investing in America funding.

Link to PPT

20 Mar 2024

Center of Excellence Subject Matter Experts presented at the NYEC 2024 Annual Forum about how the Investing in America Agenda represents a historic commitment to workforce development with hundreds of billions of dollars earmarked for our nation's infrastructure, semiconductor industry, and renewable energy sector over the coming years.

How will these jobs be filled? What opportunities exist to utilize Registered and Youth Apprenticeship programs to train workers and assist Opportunity Youth? What specific funds from the Investing in America Agenda can be utilized to support apprenticeship and Opportunity Youth?

This substantial investment will necessitate the training of millions of new workers in innovative industries to fill these roles. This presentation goes over core elements of the Investing in America Agenda, what opportunities exist related to how states can utilize funding opportunities to support RA and how organizations can collaborate to support the implementation of the Agenda while also supporting Opportunity Youth.
