May 31

San Diego, CA

CWA WorkCon 2023 Building Effective Registered Apprenticeship (RA) Partnerships and Closing RA Knowledge Gaps

CWA WorkCon 2023 Building Effective Registered Apprenticeship (RA) Partnerships and Closing RA Knowledge Gaps

The Center presented two sessions on building effective RA partnerships and closing RA knowledge gaps to more effectively create workforce/industry partnerships that provide RA opportunities for well-paying, equitable, and accessible careers for all Californians at CWA's WORKCON 2023. The conference highlighted innovative and strategic collaborations, partnerships, programs, ideas, and principals across the state's Workforce Development Boards, Community Based Organizations, Educational entities, WIOA partners, and all those invested in the success of their local communities and the people who live in them. WORKCON is CWA’s Spring workforce practitioners conference, however, anyone interested in helping people obtain sustainable employment benefit from this conference.

Read more about the California Workforce Association


California Workforce Association's Annual WorkCon 2023
May 31

San Diego, CA

CWA WorkCon 2023 Innovative and Strategic Collaborations in Registered Apprenticeship

CWA WorkCon 2023 Innovative and Strategic Collaborations in Registered Apprenticeship

WORKCON 2023 highlighted innovative and strategic collaborations, partnerships, programs, ideas, and principals which showcased the incredible work of CA’s Workforce Development Boards, Community Based Organizations, Educational entities, WIOA partners, and all those invested in the success of their local communities and the people who live in them. WORKCON is CWA’s Spring workforce practitioners conference, however anyone interested in helping people obtain sustainable employment benefit from this conference.

Read more about the California Workforce Association

California Workforce Association's Annual WorkCon 2023
May 25


Providing Supportive Services and Training Through Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Funds: Office Hours

Providing Supportive Services and Training Through Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Funds: Office Hours

The Center of Excellence convened workforce, education, and industry stakeholders to discuss how to better align the workforce system for the purpose of more effectively scaling registered apprenticeship programming. During this live Office Hours session, we discussed how supportive services and training can be WIOA funded components of registered apprenticeship.

Local Workforce Development Board leadership, frontline staff and registered apprenticeship program sponsors heard how their peers are offering services to potential apprentices such as on-the-job training, transportation, and childcare. Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and share their insights on providing WIOA funded services to those transitioning into registered apprenticeship programs.

Link to Webinar

Virtual Office Hours - Supportive Services for Registered Apprenticeship
May 08

NAWDP 39th Annual Conference

NAWDP 39th Annual Conference

NAWDP's Annual Conference brought together workforce professionals from across the nation to learn about best practices and strategies to boost the workforce. Join us May 8-10, 2023 in New Orleans, LA for the 39th Annual Conference. Sessions will be geared to attendees from the full range of career experience in the industry, from senior leaders to entry-level employees.

Read more about the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals


NAWDP 39th Annual Conference