Nov 06

Las Vegas, NV or Virtual

National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP) 2023 Youth Symposium

National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP) 2023 Youth Symposium

NAWDP's 2023 Youth Symposium addressed critical issues for youth in the workforce by sharing innovative solutions and empowering strategies like registered apprenticeship.

The Youth Symposium brought together workforce development thought leaders and stakeholders whose focus is providing workforce development opportunities for the youth population.

Link to Event

National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP) 2023 Youth Symposium
Oct 12

Demonstrated State Apprenticeship Leadership in 2020 Unified/Combined Plans. Part Two: Co-locating Registered Apprenticeship Expertise in American Job Centers

Demonstrated State Apprenticeship Leadership in 2020 Unified-Combined Plans, Part Two: Apprenticeship Expertise in American Job Centers

This Center of Excellence webinar provided technical assistance for leaders in state apprenticeship efforts to hear promising practices on expanding apprenticeship found in the Center’s review of 2020 state plans.

During this three-part webinar series, you hear about four leadership indicators. Part Two focused on the establishment of the apprenticeship expertise in the American Job Centers (AJCs). States that make this investment recognize that having apprenticeship expertise available to both businesses and job seekers directly through their services make a stronger investment toward the inclusion of apprenticeship as a strategy that is relevant to their skill pipeline efforts.

Link to Webinar

Demonstrated State Apprenticeship Leadership in 2020 Unified/Combined Plans. Part Two: Co-locating Registered Apprenticeship Expertise in American Job Centres
Sep 14

Demonstrated State Apprenticeship Leadership in 2020 Unified/Combined Plans

Demonstrated State Apprenticeship Leadership in 2020 Unified/Combined Plans, Part 1

This Center of Excellence webinar provided technical assistance for leaders in state apprenticeship efforts to hear promising practices on expanding apprenticeship found in the Center’s review of 2020 state plans.

During this three-part webinar series, you hear about four leadership indicators. Part One focused on the establishment of a collaborative state level work group or a committee to the State Workforce Development Board (SWDB) with a focus on apprenticeship expansion. Establishing these groups or committees to the SWDB may indicate a deliberate effort to establish stronger statewide efforts to increase apprenticeship strategies and opportunities that are collaborative and integrated into business and job seeker services within the workforce system.

This webinar is part of Safal Partners' U.S. Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeship Technical Assistance (RA TA) Center of Excellence on Strategic Partnerships and System Alignment. The Center provides expert technical assistance on quality Registered Apprenticeship programming and increasing Apprenticeship alignment with America's public workforce system and educational systems.

Link to Webinar

Demonstrated State Apprenticeship Leadership in 2020 Unified/Combined Plans
Aug 30

Office Hours - Becoming a Workforce Development Board or Educational Entity Registered Apprenticeship Sponsor

Becoming a Workforce Development Board or Educational Entity Registered Apprenticeship Sponsor - Office Hours

This webinar provided technical assistance for workforce development boards and education entities regarding becoming a Registered Apprenticeship sponsor. This was the second part of the sponsorship series following the July webinar, Technical Tips for Becoming a Registered Apprenticeship Sponsor, and featured additional speakers who were eager to answer questions on being a workforce development board or education registered apprenticeship sponsor.

Participants learned how education providers and workforce development boards can help a business start a registered apprenticeship by becoming the sponsor. Current sponsors in the education and workforce fields shared their expertise in becoming a sponsor. Participants also received a guide and questionnaire for convening partners and a checklist to help gather the right information while engaging with an apprenticeship training representative.

Office Hours - Becoming a Workforce Development Board or Educational Entity Registered Apprenticeship Sponsor