Resources and Tools

The Registered Apprenticeship Technical Assistance Center of Excellence is focused on helping key stakeholders build and scale strategic partnerships to put more American workers on high-quality apprenticeship career pathways.

Registered apprenticeship is the proven gold standard in workforce development. Better aligning industry, workforce and education around apprenticeship can help build a stronger, more resilient, and future-ready American workforce.

Utilize the dropdown menu to find resources to better equip your area of expertise in apprenticeship.


02 Aug 2023

This webinar provides technical assistance for workforce development boards regarding becoming a Registered Apprenticeship (RA) sponsor.

Safal Partners and FASTPORT subject matter experts speak about how workforce development boards can help a business start a registered apprenticeship and become a sponsor. Additionally, current sponsors from workforce development share their expertise in becoming a sponsor.

Hear how organizations made the decision to become an RA sponsor, best practices for engaging all stakeholders in the process, and hear about the pros and cons of becoming an RA sponsor.

Link to Webinar

05 Jun 2023

The Center of Excellence provides insight and opportunities to strengthen your knowledge of registered apprenticeship. This webinar will accelerate the impact you’re making in your state and local boards to help employers and job seekers in your area through providing information about system alignment & partnership and co-enrollment & WIOA.

Speakers include: - Katie Adams, Chief Delivery Officer at Safal Partners - Melissa Aguilar-Southard, Director and Subject Matter Expert at Safal Partners

Link to Webinar

05 Jun 2023

During this Center of Excellence Office Hours webinar, we discuss National Workforce Registered Apprenticeship Baseline Knowledge Assessment Findings. Linda Angel, the Deputy Executive Director from Workforce Solutions of Central Texas, gives an overview for using WIOA funding for supportive services with their local workforce. Finally, Judy Blanchard, Project Director and Subject Matter Expert at Safal Partners, provides an overview of On-the-Job Training as related to WIOA funding.

Link to Webinar

05 Jun 2023

Katie Adams, Chief Delivery Officer, and Melissa Aguilar-Southard, Director and Subject Matter Expert, from Safal Partners presented on behalf of the RA TA Center of Excellence on Strategic Partnerships and System Alignment at the National Association of Workforce Development National Conference. This presentation will strengthen your knowledge of registered apprenticeship by providing some insight, basic apprenticeship information, and actionable next steps to move forward. Katie and Melissa point out four major knowledge gaps from a recent Workforce System Registered Apprenticeship Baseline Knowledge Assessment Report including funding support through co-enrollment and sharing knowledge about registered apprenticeship.

Link to Webinar

27 Apr 2023


Moderated by Megan Baird, Deputy Administrator at the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Apprenticeship, this webinar features employers and local workforce boards in a frank conversation about what’s working for employers and what improvements can help grow Registered Apprenticeship nationally and at the state level.

Link to Webinar 

24 Apr 2023

This Fact Sheet shows a summary of the findings from the Evaluation of the American Apprenticeship Initiative (AAI) offering insight into the benefits to employers of using registered apprenticeship programs to hire and train workers. There were two main findings: return on investment (ROI) of apprenticeship and net benefits of apprenticeship.

Link to PDF

03 Apr 2023

Use this resource to align your Integrated Education and Training (IET) programs with pre-apprenticeship and Registered Apprenticeship (RA). This resource is aligned to the IET design toolkit, and whether you are developing an IET program with pre-apprenticeship or RA in mind or want to align your current IET programs, this resource will help to support a direct pathway into a pre-apprenticeship and RA.

Link to PDF

03 Apr 2023

The U.S. Department of Labor Center of Excellence on Strategic Partnerships and System Alignment has published the first-of-its-kind, "Workforce System Registered Apprenticeship Baseline Knowledge Report.” The assessment identifies specific registered apprenticeship-related knowledge gaps in the workforce system which will be used to inform the design of field-relevant technical assistance for the purpose of increased utilization of apprenticeship by the workforce system in serving employers and job seekers nationwide.

Link to Report

18 Feb 2023

With a national focus on reskilling and upskilling job seekers and incumbent workers for in-demand careers, many organizations are turning to apprenticeship programs to deliver this training. Earn-and-learn models are excellent ways to increase access to careers with family sustaining wages. Unfortunately, many immigrants, refugees, and speakers of other languages are unable to access these programs, simply because English is a barrier. In this webinar, you’ll learn how institutions can offer flexible, blended English onramps to apprenticeship programs. The discussion will center on practical, evidence-based ways of delivering career-specific English language training at scale with a focus on models that can work across sectors and contexts. The presentation will include time for questions so participants can discuss how to adapt these models for their own contexts.

Link to Webinar

08 Feb 2023

Katie Adams, Senior Director at Safal Partners, discusses youth apprenticeship for the California Workforce Association. During this webinar, an overview of registered apprenticeship, partnerships, and opportunities for policy guidance is presented.

Link to Webinar

06 Feb 2023

Center of Excellence partner, FASTPORT, is interviewed on Weld Wednesday with the American Welding Society (AWS).

Industry experts Scott Ellsworth, MBA and Joseph Young discuss the benefits of setting up apprenticeships for your company. They explain how to utilize the resources provided by the AWS to establish effective training programs for your employees.

By building your workforce from the ground up with apprenticeships, you can ensure that all of your employees receive the same training and possess the same skills, leading to a more cohesive and efficient team. This podcast goes into the details of how to get started with apprenticeship programs and discover why the cost and time investment is well worth it.

Link to Podcast

20 Jan 2023

The Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development (DHEWD) has worked hard to modernize and expand the legacy apprenticeship framework in the state, and to create non-traditional Registered Apprenticeship programs. The Apprenticeship Partnership Team was formed to address the challenges, solutions, and sustainability of RA programs in Missouri. Join us to take a look at the advantages and steps to starting your own Apprenticeship Partnership Team.

Link to Webinar

Link to PDF

20 Jan 2023

This webinar will provide a technical look at how one Office of Education developed pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships to help resolve the talent pipeline challenge they faced. Join us to hear Pam Knapp, San Joaquin County Office of Education as she explains why they started this journey and what she advises for those just starting out with Youth Apprenticeships.

Link to Webinar

16 Jan 2023

The Urban Institute recently published a report for the U.S. DOL documenting the return-on-investment (ROI) estimates that the American Apprenticeship Initiative employers made by investing in apprenticeship programs over a 5-year period with key findings "that the median ROI is $1.44."

Link to PDF

12 Jan 2023

This questionnaire is intended to help your organization answer important internal questions in preparation for working with your local US Department of Labor Office of Apprenticeship (DOL OA) staff or State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) staff to develop or expand a registered apprenticeship (RA) program.

Link to Questionnaire