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Increased engagement between Registered Apprenticeship and WIOA Title I and Title II programs and a deeper collaboration between these two complementary systems can contribute to the expansion of Registered Apprenticeship. Two recent surveys of workforce development and adult education providers conducted by the U.S. DOL Registered Apprenticeship Technical Assistance Center of Excellence on Strategic Partnerships and System Alignment indicate that, while capacity exists among WIOA service providers to design and deliver pre-apprenticeship and Registered Apprenticeship programs, much more can be done to leverage these programs’ respective strengths for greater impact. This report provides a summary of the findings of these surveys and discusses opportunities for deepening the engagement of, and collaboration among, WIOA Title I and Title II service providers in supporting pre-apprenticeship and Registered Apprenticeship programs.

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In 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor awarded Youth Apprenticeship Readiness grants to 14 organizations to develop or expand registered youth apprenticeships. Grant funds can be spent on activities to support apprentices ages 16 to 24 years participating in Registered Apprenticeship programs in high-demand industries, including manufacturing, health care, information technology, and cybersecurity.

This research report by the Urban Institute provides background on youth apprenticeship programs in the U.S. to provide context for finalizing the design of the implementation evaluation of the Youth Apprenticeship Readiness grants. The report also summarizes the planned activities of the 14 grantees and the key features of each grantee’s youth apprenticeship model and discusses key issues to include in the implementation evaluation.

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As part of the Center of Excellence’s work on System Alignment and Strategic Partnerships in Registered Apprenticeship, the Center chose five initial states in 2021 to do focused work with leaders across workforce, industry, education, and labor. California was one of the five states. Center lead, Safal Partners, engaged the California Workforce Association (CWA) as a lead partner on the Center grant.

Together, Safal Partners, CWA and leadership from the state apprenticeship agency (Division of Apprenticeship Standards – DAS) and the U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) Office of Apprenticeship (OA) formed a Leadership Team of representative organizations to guide the Center’s work in the state. The team is comprised of 26 members representing industry, workforce, education, government, and labor; it has representation from both the state and local level within each sector.

This Center of Excellence California Regional Sessions Report-Out documents the 2022 regional sessions utilizing methods such as asset mapping and guided questions focused on opportunities and actions. Overviews of meeting outputs are recorded from the Sacramento, Clovis, Long Beach regions.

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The U.S. Department of Labor Center of Excellence on Strategic Partnerships and System Alignment has published the first-of-its-kind, "Workforce System Registered Apprenticeship Baseline Knowledge Report.” The assessment identifies specific registered apprenticeship-related knowledge gaps in the workforce system which will be used to inform the design of field-relevant technical assistance for the purpose of increased utilization of apprenticeship by the workforce system in serving employers and job seekers nationwide.

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The Urban Institute recently published a report for the U.S. DOL documenting the return-on-investment (ROI) estimates that the American Apprenticeship Initiative employers made by investing in apprenticeship programs over a 5-year period with key findings "that the median ROI is $1.44."

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Report commissioned by ApprenticeshipNC demonstrating how states can measure and report on effectiveness and opportunities for apprenticeship.

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Iowa’s Registered Apprenticeship Programs Report analyzes Iowa’s RA levels and provides demographic breakouts of active apprentices and RA completers. The analysis includes geographic concentrations of active apprentices, growth in new apprentices, and top occupations using RA to train employees. The employment outcomes of RA completers is broken out by the same demographics, top completing programs, and employing industries. A glimpse into employee retention is also provided.

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Crosswalks developed by 8 Texas community colleges (led by San Jacinto College) and 8 Registered Apprenticeship (RA) sponsors showing how USDOL Registered Apprenticeship certificates can be articulated for college course credits using the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s (THECB) Workforce Education Course Manual (WECM). The initial crosswalks developed focused on 10 craft areas: electrical, millwright/industrial maintenance/mechatronics, plumbing, pipefitting, welding, machining, carpentry, HVAC, sheet metal, and masonry. The crosswalks help in developing MOUs between community colleges and RA sponsors and align RA to college degree pathways.

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