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The presentation "Essentials of a High-Quality Pre-Apprenticeship" outlines key elements for developing effective pre-apprenticeship programs that prepare participants for high-quality apprenticeship opportunities. It highlights six critical characteristics: transparent entry and success requirements, skill development through hands-on activities, alignment with local employer needs, earning industry-recognized credentials, offering academic and career support, and ensuring a smooth transition to registered apprenticeships. These programs aim to increase diversity and equity, bridge skill gaps, and provide essential support for participants to succeed in their career paths.

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This flowchart shows the relationship between recruitment and retention services for pre-apprenticeship to apprenticeship with your local workforce board. Once a participant transitions from pre-apprenticeship to apprenticeship, available resources for apprentices consist of On-the-Job Training, Supportive Services, and Related Technical Instruction.

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This module by the Registered Apprenticeship Academy offers sponsors an overview of guidelines for quality pre-apprenticeship program issued by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration. The module helps sponsors understand how to implement quality pre-apprenticeship programs and develop a pipeline for their registered apprenticeship programs.

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This Training and Employment Notice describes the scope and characteristics of quality pre-apprenticeship programs in a manner that is consistent with the language of the Equal Employment Opportunity in Apprenticeship Final Rule and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Final Rule; identifies how pre-apprenticeship programs can increase access to Registered Apprenticeship programs for all Americans; and provides examples of quality pre-apprenticeship programs in diverse settings.

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This brief outlines principles to guide federal, state, and local decision-makers and partners in developing equitable pre-apprenticeship programs and policy. These principles can mitigate the risk of investing in low-quality programs that lead to nowhere. Use this document to frame, analyze, and receive recommendations for the development of high-quality pre-apprenticeship programs.

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In this webinar, you will learn about strategies for increasing diversity in the apprenticeship pipeline. You will have the opportunity to hear from experts in the field as they share knowledge and resources about increasing diversity in apprenticeship as well as learn some insights shared by states who participated in the Diversity of Apprenticeship Participants Innovation Cohort. You will also hear insights from states who participated in the Diversity of Apprenticeship Participants Innovation Cohort.

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In this report, Young Invincibles provides recommendations on how Illinois can create apprenticeships that achieve gender and racial equity. The recommendations are based on a review of state and local strategies for scaling apprenticeships that serve women and people of color, examining work in Oregon, South Carolina, New York, and Massachusetts. You'll also read about strong practices in Illinois, learned from the apprenticeship and work-based learning programs of multiple partners nationwide. In this report, you will learn about the apprenticeship landscape in Illinois and the challenges the state faces in apprenticeship growth as well as the state's equity vision.

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This brief explores strategies that 22 leading companies and industry associations are using to make apprenticeship models more diverse and inclusive and, in turn, advance equity in their companies and the communities they serve. Some of these strategies have been identified as best practices by community-based organizations working with underrepresented populations and training providers but have not yet gained widespread employer buy-in. The examples shared here serve as lessons illustrating how more businesses can apply these strategies in their apprenticeship programs to improve diversity and equity within their internal operations and throughout their industries.

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This report by the National Skills Coalition articulates the imperative for establishing a racially inclusive workforce through comprehensive training and advocates for the implementation of both state and federal workforce development policies to advance racial equity in educational attainment, employment, and income. The United States of America boasts a distinctive strength in its ethnic and racial diversity among residents. Nevertheless, disparities persist for Black, Latinx, Pacific Islander, Native, and specific Asian American workers in areas such as educational attainment, employment, and income. This report suggests policies such as investing in apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship to address decades of intentional, structurally racist policies.


WorkforceGPS has compiled resources for quality pre-apprenticeship programs that lead to Registered Apprenticeship. Pre-apprenticeships not only build the basic literacy, math, and work-readiness skills today’s employers require, but also provide pre-screened, qualified, and job-ready apprentice pools. Join WorkforceGPS to access these key resources.
