Apprenticeship is a high-value tool that local workforce boards can utilize to engage employers, serve job seekers, and meet critical WIOA performance metrics.

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The Center of Excellence's subject matter experts Alan Dodkowitz, Nicole Bentley, and Jeremy Faulkner, alongside Amy Shields, the Executive Director of the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE) Foundation and VP of Programs at ACCE, discussed how chambers can play one or more primary roles in Registered Apprenticeship. Participants also heard findings from a collaborative knowledge assessment given to member chambers and guidance on how chambers can serve as effective conveners of member employers.

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During the National Association of Workforce Development Professional's 2024 Youth Symposium, the Center of Excellence presented this interactive workshop designed to provide front-line workforce professionals who work with youth and workforce system policymakers and executives with tools and information to develop policy and provide services that leverage Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funding to support youth Registered Apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship involvement. 

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Safal Partners Chief Delivery Officer, Katie Adams, joined federal and state government officials during the Urban Institute’s Vision 2030: Building the Future of Registered Apprenticeship to discuss the need and vision for continued expansion and modernization of Registered Apprenticeship to create a stronger, more skilled American workforce.

This presentation discussed the Centers' work and opportunities for increasing America's public workforce system utilization of Registered Apprenticeship to serve both jobseekers and employers, as well as post-secondary and adult education engagement.  It featured Carrie Amman, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association, and James Disbro, Senior Director of Regional Alignment & Programs Development at CareerSource Suncoast.

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This webinar was the first in a series of sessions designed to build local workforce board knowledge of and capacity to implement RA programs in alignment with the workforce system. This first session was intended to build basic knowledge of Registered Apprenticeship and the high-level roles local workforce boards can take on when implementing RA programs.

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The Center of Excellence lead this interactive workshop during the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association’s Apprenticeship PA Collaborative and Expo. This presentation helps educators, industry employers, and workforce staff learn how to develop, implement, and sustain youth Registered Apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs.

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The public workforce system is dedicated to offering a comprehensive range of services for job seekers and businesses. However, navigating operational silos and building effective cross-program partnerships can present challenges. 

This presentation, presented at Maryland's Raising the Bar Conference, focuses on the vital collaboration between the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Registered Apprenticeship (RA) systems, showcasing how this strategic alliance can drive success.  Whether you aim to elevate your current WIOA and RA partnership or seek guidance on establishing a new collaboration, this presentation offers valuable insights and practical strategies. 

If you're a workforce system stakeholders eager to enhance your RA partnerships, this presentation:

• Identifies key intersections between WIOA and RA systems.

• Highlights best practices for fostering robust WIOA-RA collaborations.

 • Dispels common myths and misconceptions that hinder effective partnerships.

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Maryland's employers are struggling to fill jobs, while parents face the rising costs of college. The state has also set an ambitious goal: by the 2030-2031 school year, 45% of graduating seniors should complete an apprenticeship or earn an industry-recognized credential. Achieving these objectives will require a significant expansion of youth apprenticeships across the state.

This workshop provides insights into how education can seamlessly transition into apprenticeship. It presents data and statistics highlighting the impact and success rates of Registered Apprenticeship (RA) programs and explores the many benefits of combining traditional education with RA, such as enhanced skills acquisition, job readiness, and long-term career success. Industry experts share examples of successful education-to-apprenticeship pathways. This presentation equips you with the strategies and knowledge to bridge the gap between education and apprenticeship, ultimately benefiting both students and the workforce.

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This workshop was presented at the PA Workforce Leaders Symposium and provides a holistic overview of the Investing in America (IIA) Agenda, provides examples of how communities and workforce boards can partner together to leverage resources, and explores how funds can be utilized to train opportunity youth to support Registered Apprenticeship (RA) pathways, other career pipelines, and industry’s growing needs and help Pennsylvania meet their growing workforce needs.

Through the current administration’s IIA Agenda, the administration is collaborating with state and local officials, employers, unions, community colleges, high schools, and other stakeholders to create a diverse and skilled workforce. In particular, the pathways are being created for the opportunity youth in our current and future pipelines, inclusive of the use of RA programs and other meaningful career avenues, which provide incredible earn and learn opportunities.  This workshop discusses these pipelines and how these investments in Pennsylvania can support workforce development for opportunity youth in the State.

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The American public workforce system plays a key role in helping public and private sector employers’ talent pipeline development strategies. Business Services Representatives (BSRs) working for local workforce development boards (LWDBs) are uniquely able to help employers unpack and adopt Registered Apprenticeship (RA). 

This webinar provides key information and tools including an overview of RA, discuss funding that can be utilized to support employers’ RA programs, and demonstrate how RA can support their LWDBs’ WIOA performance metrics.

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The ATR and BSR Training Series provides training on Registered Apprenticeship (RA) as an ideal solution in the workforce system and how both types of representatives can work in conjunction with one another to leverage the apprenticeship system on behalf of employers.

For Business Services Representatives:

Session 1: Understanding RA as a Business
Services Opportunity - How RA is structured and works in concert with the workforce system, recent initiatives, funding opportunities, partners, and how to speak to employers about RA.

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Session 2: Industry and Workforce: Making Apprenticeship Central to WIOA Business Services - How RA bolsters the success of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) business services, the role of the RA system, and how to coordinate and collaborate with ATRs and Navigators.

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Link to Handout

For Apprenticeship Training Representatives

Session 1: Understanding the Public Workforce System and BSR Role - How Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs) make decisions on policies, the BSR role, and funding for employers, job seekers and how it relates to RA.

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Session 2: Promising Practices for Building Effective ATR/BSR Partnerships - How to engage with BSRs to develop outreach to industry in developing new and expanded RA programs; promising practices for engaging with BSRs and other LWDB staff; and what successful collaboration between ATRs and the workforce system can look like.

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Capstone Session

ATRs and BSRs: Collaborating to Expand RA - The overlap in ATR and BSR roles related to employer engagement for accelerating industry’s understanding and adoption of RA to build talent pipelines which benefits job seekers who are served by LWDB case managers. This session showcases workforce experts featuring effective ATR and BSR partnerships.

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