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Webinar recording by the Center of Excellence national partners WIA (Wireless Infrastructure Association) and FASTPORT. A presentation to the 5G wireless industry conference employers on implementing best practices in RA development to more quickly and effectively build the 21st century communications workforce.

Link to webinar

30 Minutes of Excellence - June 22, 2022 - How can we use WIOA funds for Registered Apprenticeship?

Link to webinar

30 Minutes of Excellence - Bridging the Gap Between Adult Education and Apprenticeships

Link to webinar

July 20, 2022

Link to webinar

Meet your USDOL Apprenticeship Training Rep

Link to webinar

How do Adult Basic Education and Career Technical Education work...

How do I communicate the benefits of Registered Apprenticeship to Employers?

How do I communicate the benefits of RA to employers?

Why do workforce boards engage in Registered Apprenticeship?

Future Works Public Dashboard Demonstration