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This Center of Excellence webinar provides technical assistance for Case Managers and front-line staff to hear the benefits and opportunities of co-enrolling Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) career seekers with Registered Apprenticeship (RA) programs.

Discover the myriad of benefits RA offers your region and the apprentices, understand the essentials of co-enrolling participants in RA and WIOA, and learn about how to leverage WIOA funding to support registered apprenticeships for sustainable workforce development.

Link to webinar

Link to PPT

Link to Office Hours PPT

Link to Office Hours webinar

The Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE) serves more than 9,000 leaders from 1,300 chambers of commerce, including 93 of the top 100 metro areas in the U.S. The Center of Excellence presented at the ACCE's 2024 conference about leveraging Chambers of Commerce in Registered Apprenticeship alignment efforts. Participants explored the five core components of Registered Apprenticeship and gained insights into the current role of Chambers of Commerce in these programs. The session showcased best practices for Chamber involvement, featuring a presentation from the Greater Cleveland Partnership. Attendees also learned how their Chambers can engage more effectively to benefit local jobseekers, employers, and the Chambers themselves.

Link to PPT

This second Business Services Representatives’ (BSRs) training session features how registered apprenticeship (RA) bolsters the success of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) business services, the RA System and the role of Apprenticeship Training Representatives (ATRs), and how to coordinate and collaborate with ATRs and Navigators.

RA is an ideal solution for many employers that are partners with workforce boards and American Job Centers. This online training explores innovative ways that apprenticeship ties in with WIOA business services. It also equips you to connect with and leverage the support of the apprenticeship system on behalf of employers.

By connecting intentionally and regularly with ATRs, WIOA business services can better engage employers, place candidates in well-paying RA employment, and increase positive WIOA performance metrics.

Link to Webinar

Link to PPT

Link to Handout


The Missouri Association for Workforce Development held a pre-conference hosted by the Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development, Office of Apprenticeship & Work-Based Learning on April 23-24. The Centers subject matter experts, Melissa Aguilar-Southard, Haylie Schuster, and Angela Baker delivered three presentations on understanding registered apprenticeship as a business services opportunity which can be accessed below.

Link to Apprenticeship 101

Link to Apprenticeship 201

Link to Business Services Representatives Workshop

The National Association of Workforce Boards held The Forum in Washington, DC. about workforce policy, initiatives, and trends.

Registered Apprenticeship (RA) subject matter experts, Alan Dodkowitz from Safal Partners, Brent Weil from the Wireless Infrastructure Association, Jeff Smith from the U.S. DOL Office of Apprenticeship, and James Disbro from Career Source Suncoast, presented to workforce stakeholders discussing core RA-related elements of the Investing in America Agenda and promising practices for partnership development to access and implement Investing in America funding.

Link to PPT

Center of Excellence Subject Matter Experts presented at the NYEC 2024 Annual Forum about how the Investing in America Agenda represents a historic commitment to workforce development with hundreds of billions of dollars earmarked for our nation's infrastructure, semiconductor industry, and renewable energy sector over the coming years.

How will these jobs be filled? What opportunities exist to utilize Registered and Youth Apprenticeship programs to train workers and assist Opportunity Youth? What specific funds from the Investing in America Agenda can be utilized to support apprenticeship and Opportunity Youth?

This substantial investment will necessitate the training of millions of new workers in innovative industries to fill these roles. This presentation goes over core elements of the Investing in America Agenda, what opportunities exist related to how states can utilize funding opportunities to support RA and how organizations can collaborate to support the implementation of the Agenda while also supporting Opportunity Youth.


The Investing in America Agenda represents a historic commitment to workforce development with hundreds of billions of dollars earmarked for our nation's infrastructure, semiconductor industry, and renewable energy sector over the coming years. This substantial investment will necessitate the training of millions of new workers in innovative industries to fill these roles.

This presentation, given at the Southeastern Employment and Training Association 2024 Conference, shows the core elements of the Investing in America Agenda, what opportunities exist related to how states can utilize funding opportunities to support registered apprenticeship and how organizations can collaborate to support the implementation of the Agenda while also supporting Opportunity Youth.
